Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflection on CORE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection on CORE - Essay Example ritically read a text, I always come up with different meanings and this helps me to grasp the context of what the writer would be intending to convey to the readers. I have observed that there can be different meanings attached to a certain reading and this can only be possible if you read the text critically. This helps the reader to criticise some of the ideas portrayed by the writer. However, the major disadvantage I can talk about is that the core has a lot of work to do. A lot of essays need to be written and I at times find it difficult to complete them since some topics do not fit in the subject area under discussion. The other important core topic I have learned pertains to ethics and environment. Our life is mainly shaped by the environment in which we live since we obtain all the basic needs that sustain our lives from it. There is a strong relationship between human kind and the environment. The other important issue I have learned is that our actions often impact on the environment and it should be our responsibility to ensure that we do not harm it. The more we act negatively, the more we cause harm to the environment. Therefore, the major lesson I have learnt from this core is that it is our responsibility to protect the environment for the benefit of the future generations to enjoy the same environment. Due to improved communication technology, I have discovered that we are now living in what is commonly known as the global village. As a result of globalisation, people from different parts of the globe can engage in business and it is also possible to communicate instantaneously as a result of the improved communication and technology. Globalization has greatly helped to promote trade among nations and this is beneficial to different countries. It also helps to promote culture exchange where people from different parts of the globe can benefit from the cultures of other countries. However, the only negative aspect about globalization is that some

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